Commit to Making a Difference

Help deliver critical social and cultural healing services for Native women with a tax deductible donation today. Your contribution allows us to provide services that transport women from chronic homelessness and gender based violence to stability, natural leadership and wisdom built upon a foundation of ancestral strength. 

To discuss program and event sponsorship opportunities please contact Norine Hill at (206) 722-2321.

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I didn't grow up [with our culture], and so having that intergenerational trauma, the historical trauma, all the healing and knowledge provided with the Elders, it connected me to my culture. It connected me to my roots, it connected me to the sweat lodge, the different medicines, and it gave me something spiritually that I was able to be in recovery when I couldn't before. So to provide that cultural space, that sacred space, that Indigenous space for the community, I think is important. –Corrina Stasso, Mentee and Homeless Prevention Coordinator

It’s a moment, to take our place back in the community and to claim it as ours again, because we’ve been so displaced by violence. To be able to say it’s ok to talk. It’s ok to trust. It’s ok to feel. And to be able to put some hope in our young Native sisters and young Native men. – Bridgett Davis, Mentee and doTERRA Wellness Advocate

My biggest obstacle was that I was homeless and an alcoholic. To get stability and to be able to find housing which I have now, I just tell people that it can be done. Don’t give up hope. I was so down on myself that I didn't think anybody believed in me. Mother Nation really helped me to be able to talk to somebody who knew I was homeless and accepted where I was coming from. I found hope. – Arlene Zahne, Mentee, Finance Department
