Cultural Services
Mother Nation’s cultural services are delivered onsite by credentialed Elders and Staff with the goal to enhance women’s overall health, wellness, and confidence. We provide workshops on a variety of cultural topics, a Circle of Life series focused on healing from trauma, and Tribal Training. All workshops and classes offer CEU through Northwest Indian College (copy of enrollment card required with registration).
Workshops and Training
Workshops are scheduled throughout the year and require registration in advance. Some workshops are one session, while others are multiple sessions. Contact info@mothernation to learn more.
Managing PTSD with Essential Oils Class
Featuring Mentee Bridgette Davis and Norine Hill, doTERRA Wellness Advocates.
Native Chemical Dependency
We offer a variety of cultural classes on the dynamics drugs and alcohol has on our family, relationships including self, and stages to support a healthy spiritual well-being. Classes provide participants valuable tools to overcome challenges and accomplish triumphs sober. Classes are custom-designed to meet the needs of the program or participants. Ramona Ahto, BAS/CDP – Yakima Nation/Shaker is the facilitator. All classes are 3 hours in length. The Grief and Loss Class is offered with a sweat following the class and also in a training component for DV Shelter Staff.
States of Recovery / Native 12 Steps / Relapse Preventions
Alcohol takes away from mental, spiritual, physical and emotional well-being. In order to reestablish balance in our lives, no better statement of our need is the Serenity Prayer. Participants review the meaning behind the serenity prayer. Native AA is talking about stories. Participants speak on recovery and what experiences they have. All classes are culturally interactive activities for all to contribute through art or expression.
Healthy Relationships Start with Me
Elder teachings on healthy relationships begin from within. External relationships impact the relationship with our inner-self from childhood. Self-actualization exercises identifies self in the center, while the outer circles represent family, community, Tribe, and Globe. All the circles around us contribute to our development. What is out of balance? How can I honor my sacred circle?
Family Dynamics
There was a time in our history where we knew our roles in the family and community as Native people when roles were defined and we were able to follow that path. Elder provides teachings on roles within a chemical dependent family with the goal to guide participants beyond the dysfunction.
Grief and Loss
We suffer various types of loss in our lives. As Native Americans, we are born into grief and loss due to historical trauma. Participants learn and share various types of grief and loss. History of drug and alcohol use in the Native community is provided. Participants learn the grief cycle and how it impacts their being emotionally, spiritually, and physically.